AI Insights for Jira Service Management
Non intrusive, real-time customer satisfaction tracking embedded directly within Jira Service Management Issues.
Trusted By 1400+ Companies Worldwide
Monitor customer satisfaction in real-time
View and track agent and customer satisfaction directly within Jira issues.
Early intervention for problematic issues
Project reports empower agents and managers to locate dissatisfaction before issues are completed.
Early intervention for problematic issues
Project reports empower agents and managers to locate dissatisfaction before issues are completed.
Create custom CSAT dashboards
Monitor, track and report customer sentiment using custom dashboards and gadgets. Dependent pull requests need to be merged before the current one can be merged.
We Prioritise Security
Security for our users is our topmost priority. We actively participate in both the Atlassian bug bounty program Cloud Security Participant program, helping us implement cutting-edge measures to protect your sensitive information. For transparency, detailed insights into our security practices can be found on our Privacy & Security tab on the Atlassian Marketplace.