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Case Study: Back-porting and evolving Workzone file/path reviewer approval quota for enterprise networking company

About the company

The customer is a multinational technology company known for designing, manufacturing, and selling networking hardware, telecommunications equipment, and other high-tech products and services.

The Problem

The customer became aware of the latest Workzone update and new feature release announced through the release notes, MP listing updates and product documentation. However, they were using an older version of Bitbucket in their production environment. The team approached Izymes with a request to make the file/path reviewer approval quota as merge checks, a crucial functionality, available in their existing Bitbucket production version.

The Solution

Recognizing the significance of the customer’s request, Izymes promptly undertook the task of backporting the new feature to the customers Bitbucket production version. This diligent effort resulted in the successful implementation of the requested update within a matter of days. The integration of this feature enabled the customer to optimize its pull request workflow, target specific reviewer groups, and ultimately improve the overall code quality and confidence in their development process.

The Result

Following the seamless integration of the backported feature, the team identified additional areas within their workflow that could benefit from improvement. Through ongoing discussions and close collaboration with Izymes’ development team, three more feature requests were generated to address these areas. These requests aimed to:

  • Incorporate required file/path merge approval checks into the advanced merge condition.
  • Provide a more intuitive interface for viewing and editing file/path reviewer configurations.

Throughout the development process, Izymes maintained close communication with the team, seeking their valuable feedback on potential improvements. This iterative approach ensured that the enhancements aligned perfectly with the customers evolving needs and expectations.

Furthermore, all the improvements derived from the customer’s feedback were seamlessly integrated into the latest versions of Workzone. As a result, when the customer eventually upgrades to the next Bitbucket Long-Term Support (LTS) release, they can effortlessly transition without the need for extensive configuration or setting changes.


Through close collaboration and communication with Izymes, the customer successfully implemented crucial enhancements to their Bitbucket production environment. Through Izymes’ diligent efforts, the customer was able to optimize its pull request workflow, enhance code quality, and strengthen its development process. The collaborative approach between Izymes and the customer demonstrates the value of continuous improvement and customer-focused solutions, resulting in a highly efficient and future-proof solution for the customer’s evolving needs.

Try Workzone Today

Automate and control your Bitbucket Pull Request Workflow, Reviewers, Approvals and Merge Process with Workzone.

Workzone is available on both Data Center and Cloud – Visit Marketplace

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