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How many clicks to change a Status Macro in Confluence?
I have always been a fan of the Confluence status macro. I’m a visual person and our beloved But, like with everything beautiful, there is a catch. The status macro is a living creature, it needs to change when - well
Play it safe or speed it up – The new pull request experience with Workzone for Bitbucket
Can you believe it? Revoking pull request reviewer approvals when the pull request diff changes is not an out-of-the-box feature of your Bitbucket Datacenter installation! Thanks to the Atlassian Marketplace there is a free Auto-Unapprove app maintained by Atlassian that
Streamline Pull Requests with Labels and Due Dates
Shocking standout news: 97% of Australia's business and technical leaders are spending time each day on "inefficient collaboration"—fixing misunderstandings and realigning teams, a fantastic report by Zoom [1] reveals, highlighting the significant impact on companies and teams struggling with ineffective