How reviewer groups can streamline your pull request process
Workzone pull request reviewer groups cater to the flow of every team and enterprise – people come and go and constantly move in and out of teams.
Use Workzone to define reviewer groups as opposed to a set of fixed pre-defined reviewers. Allow employees to transition smoothly between teams and organisations without pull requests becoming blocked and stale because some reviewers having moved on.
Workzone reviewers are defined per pull request target and optional source branch combination.
Workzone reviewer groups come as either ‘casual’ and ‘mandatory’.
Casual reviewer groups: When a pull request is created all members of the group(s) are added as pull request reviewers and if merge conditions are defined – a certain quota of group members have to approve before the pull request can be merged.
Mandatory reviewer groups: When a pull request is created all members of the mandatory group(s) are added as pull request reviewers. All or a certain number of members of a configured mandatory reviewer group must approve the pull request before it can be merged. Mandatory reviewers cannot be removed from a pull request or exchanged.
Digital signature reviewer groups. Pull request approvers that must sign their approval with a digital signature can also be added as reviewer groups.
Read more about combining reviewer groups with merge conditions.