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A (very) Simple Template Renderer for Java

When we introduced customisable email subjects for Reminders for Bitbucket I needed a template renderer that

  • takes a user-defined string based template
  • references template placeholders and resolves their values in the render context
  • does not depend on any heavy weight templating library

Let’s assume the end-user would enter a email subject template like

This is PR #{} from {}

Placeholders are marked by {} and reflect the Java object’s hierarchy. Yes – reflect – is the key word here. The impatient may find a ready to go class on Github.

A (very) Simple Expression Parser

To identify the placeholders in the template we use a regex pattern matching like

List<String> expressions = Lists.newArrayList();
Matcher m = Pattern.compile("\\w*\\{(.*?)\\}").matcher(subject);
while (m.find()) {
    String expression =;

Finding the Placeholder Values

The render context holds all the Java objects needed to resolve the placeholder expression values and turn them into Strings.

Stream<String> values =
 .map(e -> resolve(context, getMethods(e)))
 .map(v -> v+"");

Resolving Expressions

As mentioned above Java Reflection is used to traverse the render context objects via their getter and setter methods. First a list of methods is extracted from the placeholder expression."\\."))
        .map(m -> "get" + m.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + m.substring(1))

For example {} would be resolved to [getPullRequest(), getId()], and  {} would be resolved to [getPullRequest(), getAuthor(), getUser(), getName()].

The obtained list of methods will then be called recursively on the render context object using Java reflection in order to obtain the target value.

private Object resolve(Object o, List<String> methods)  {
    if (methods.size() == 0) return o;

    Object result = null;
    try {
        Method m = o.getClass().getMethod(methods.get(0));
        result = m.invoke(o);
    } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { ... }
    return resolve(result, methods);

Rendering the Result

Now that we have a list of values that substitute their placeholders let’s rewrite the template into a format String

String format = templateString.replaceAll("\\{.*?\\}", "%s");

… and use String.format() to render the final result

String.format(format, values.toArray());

Get the complete class from Github.