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Team’24 – The Wrap

It’s been a week since we’re all back from Vegas and a fantastic Team’24. There were so many announcements, news, and so much information to digest.

So let’s see what sticks!

Compliance and Atlassian – A state of the union Workshop

Fireside chat with Invesco – Invesco’s compliance journey on Atlassian, emphasizing the establishment of compliant procedures and the challenge of cultural shifts in the engineering mindset

SoftComply, Izymes and partners organised a workshop to bring awareness to how Atlassian tools and apps perform in the regulated industries space, where compliance is paramount. A Starbucks breakfast event last year at Team’23 has now become a full-blown workshop at Team’24 with an impressive set of presenters from

Read the full article …

Workshop takeaways:

  • It’s essential to integrate compliance measures more deeply within the use of Atlassian tools in regulated industries,
  • Impossible Alone – Marketplace partners and Atlassian are focusing on collaboration, tool validation, data security, and clear communication to further the use of Atlassian based solutions in regulated industries.

We are super excited to launch – The Atlassian Compliance Powerhouse and go to place for compliance resources and processes.

Security and privacy – Interview with Polymetis Apps

Our talk focused on best practices for building Atlassian apps with a strong security and privacy by design mindset. ‘Shift left’ of security and privacy concerns during the app planning and design phase is essential. Any integration or app should have tight access and permission control for their (REST) APIs from day one.

One of Ollie’s questions “What keeps you up at night?” was no surprise – any good (job) interview has got one of this kind. I just shot from the hip and opened up about what keeps me up at night:

It’s code safety! There’s not much talk about it, so what do I mean by ‘code safety’? Any modern DVCS “brings a local copy of the complete repository to every team member’s computer” – but what happens if the team member leaves the organization, by choice or not by choice? The former ‘team member’ can instantly turn into a hacker with a complete code base of the services they’ve been developing on their machine. There aren’t many ways to keep code ‘safe’, if you know of one, let me know. Handing over the work-supplied computer when leaving the job isn’t going to stop anyone with the intent to ‘re-use’ the code base for whatever goal they have in mind.

Watch the full chat with Oliver from Polymetis Apps here

Announcements – What’s cool?

The announcement of Atlassian Guard Introducing Atlassian Guard – Work Life by Atlassian is definitely a sleep aid for security-minded companies. It performs threat detection and offers response capabilities to mitigate threats to cloud data.

I’m also excited about all Atlassian University courses being offered for FREE. Yes, education should be free! Well done, Atlassian.

Rovo and Rovo Agents – the new kids on the block

And yes, Atlassian Intelligence was all the hype at Team’24. We’re really looking forward to getting help from Rovo finding and locating information that is relevant. And Rovo doesn’t stop there, Rovo can make agents do some of the boring repetitive tasks in your workflows, like cleaning up backlogs or reviewing and correcting documentation. Best of all for everyone passionate about apps: Rovo’s API will be designed to let you build and connect your own apps.

The ACE! B.a.s.h afterparty

The Atlassian Community’s very best FunManAndy gathered some party-hungry folks for a long night of excellent DJ music, booze (courtesy of Aptis), dance and deep-and-meaningful conversations.

Take aways – What’s in the doggy bag (not sure this is going to fly)

First and foremost we’ll take the ‘Impossible Alone’ motto and commit to building outstanding partnerships with Atlassian Solution partners, new and existing, that emphasize trust and connection, through our partner portal. We’ll be reaching out a lot more in order to get to know our solution partners, and how they solve complex problems and deliver industry-specific solutions.

We are also making significant investments in our Compliance on Atlassian Initiative, partnering with SoftComply, to create a platform tailored for regulated industries and solution partners. will serve as the primary resource for enterprises and solution partners seeking to develop an Atlassian platform that adheres to the regulatory standards of their respective industries, whether it’s MedTech, FinTech/Finance, or Pharma.

Until next time!

Ulrich Kuhnhardt

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